Tulsa & Oklahoma City Workers Compensation Attorneys

At the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr., attorneys defend employers and insurance companies throughout workers’ compensation disputes. They work diligently to protect companies from fraudulent claims and ensure that businesses and insurance companies don’t pay more than is legally required.


The lawyers at the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr. begin by conducting a thorough investigation of the alleged incident to determine whether an injury actually occurred during work hours. They also examine the employee’s medical history. If there was a pre-existing condition that contributed to the workplace injury, the amount of money owed to the employee may be reduced. The Tulsa Workers’ Compensation attorneys also work with medical experts and health care professionals to determine improvement. Benefits stop when the claimant is able to return to work.

Course of Action

The staff at the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr. is dedicated to ensuring that clients understand all of their rights and potential courses of action. They provide a clear, detailed analysis of the situation so that you can make informed decisions. If litigation is the most beneficial route to take, they will guide you through the court process. They are skilled litigators who aggressively seek the best financial outcome for their clients. They are familiar with how local workers’ compensation hearings transpire and how to position their clients in the best position possible. On the other hand, if negotiation and settlement is the most advantageous route to take, they will utilize their skills to resolve your case in an efficient matter.

Types of Cases Handled

As skilled Tulsa workers’ compensation attorneys, the lawyers at the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr. handle a variety of cases related to workers’ compensation. They are well aware of the laws and legal requirements related to this area of practice. Some of the most common cases they see pertain to the following:

  • Slip or Trip and Falls — Many of these claims arise when employees slip on wet floors or snowy walkways.
  • Overexertion — These stem from a person pushing, pulling, lifting or throwing something that causes an injury.
  • Struck by an Object — People commonly file this type of claim when something falls off a shelf or is dropped from another worker in a physically higher position.
  • Machinery Accidents — As the name implies, these occur when a piece of equipment or machinery injures or mutilates an employee.

Contact the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr.

At the Law Office of Malcolm D. Smith, Jr. they have one goal: to resolve workers’ compensation disputes as quickly as possible to the satisfaction of our clients. Contact the attorneys at 918 392-2910 for a free consultation today.

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